Copyright (c) Robin Cover 1994-96. Database last modified August 12, 1996. The SGML Web Page lives at, and plans are being made for it to be mirrored by SoftQuad's WWW server.
Support for the development and maintenance of this SGML Web Page is provided in part by SoftQuad, Inc. and by the Summer Institute of Linguistics, to whom gratitude is acknowledged.
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This SGML Web Page represents an effort to make information about SGML resources accessible by means of a Web browser. Several Internet FTP sites supporting SGML provide a wealth of valuable information in disk files, but access to that information via the filesystems is sometimes not optimal for the beginner. This WWW document attempts to embed links to the SGML archives within descriptive prose, and within a subject-oriented document hierarchy. The links point to other WWW servers, GOPHER servers, and FTP servers, as well as to important SGML documents archived locally. The SGML Web Page also includes an annotated and linked bibliography for SGML, with over 1000 entries. Documents in the database are maintained by hand, so the liabilities are legion. The SGML Web Page should nonetheless prove helpful for researchers who need a basic orientation to SGML, especially with respect to resources freely available on the Internet.
This page is maintained by Robin Cover. Send comments to or to
The author solicits additions, corrections, and comments related to this SGML Web Page. This invitation extends particularly to researchers whose "work in progress" is of vital interest to the SGML community because it is current: technical reports, RFCs, research memoranda, draft working papers, documents submitted for publication or "in press", white papers, technical resolutions, etc. Most of these works are inadequately indexed as paper documents within work-flow information channels used by the library science community, or are only belatedly indexed. Your research deserves to be publicized while it is most relevant. Please send communiques with full bibliographic information (URLs if possible) to Robin Cover:
6634 Sarah Drive
Dallas, TX 75236
Tel: 214.296.1783 (h), 214.709.3346 (w)
FAX: 214.709.3380
Email:, or in case of link failure: